

Mary Fletcher | Forest Kingfisher

Forest Kingfisher

The forest kingfisher is also known as the Macleay's or blue kingfisher. It is a predominantly blue and white bird and is found in Indonesia, New Guinea and coastal Australia and Singapore. Like many other kingfishers, it hunts invertebrates and small frogs and lizards.
Mary Fletcher | Robin (Erithacus rubecula)

Robin (Erithacus rubecula)

The UKs favourite bird - with its bright red breast it is familar throughout the year and especially at Christmas! Males and females look identical, and young birds have no red breast and are spotted with golden brown. Robins sing nearly all year round and despite their cute appearance, they are aggressively territorial and are quick to drive away intruders. They will sing at night next to street lights.
Mary Fletcher | Two Gulls

Two Gulls

These two gulls were taken at sea on a very calm day on the North coast of Cornwall. The sea is as it was and has a wonderful velvety feeling.
Mary Fletcher | Hawk


Hawks have always been known to have sharp vision and to be very able hunters. Within the hawk species, the female is generally larger than the male.
Mary Fletcher | Great Grey Owl

Great Grey Owl

A great grey owl in flight. The great grey owl is one of the largest owls in the world, and the largest to live in the northern hemisphere. Their scientific name comes from the Greek ‘strizo’, meaning to screech, and the Latin ‘nebulosa’, meaning dark or clouded, referring to their grey colouration.
Mary Fletcher | Great Grey Owl

Great Grey Owl

The great grey owl is one of the largest owls in the world, and the largest to live in the northern hemisphere. Their scientific name comes from the Greek ‘strizo’, meaning to screech, and the Latin ‘nebulosa’, meaning dark or clouded, referring to their grey colouration. THIS IMAGE IS AVAILBALE IN SQUARE FORMAT
Mary Fletcher | Ashy-faced Owl

Ashy-faced Owl

The Ashy-faced Owl is endemic to the island of Hispaniola, and is one of just two barn-owls present in the New World. It resembles the widespread Barn Owl , which colonized Hispaniola in the 1970's, but is much darker overall, with a gray face. The Ashy-faced Owl shares many behavioral traits with the Barn Owl, hunting for small mammals in open areas at night and nesting in hollow trees, caves, and man-made structures.
Mary Fletcher | Male Pheasant

Male Pheasant

Pheasants are large, long-tailed gamebirds. The males have rich chestnut, golden-brown and black markings on their bodies and tails, with a dark green head and red face wattling. They were introduced to the UK long ago and more recent introductions have brought in a variety of races and breeds for sport shooting.
Mary Fletcher | Eagle Owl

Eagle Owl

The Eastern Siberian Eagle Owl is an endangered species of owl. It is a large bird capable of catching small deer and foxes for food.
Mary Fletcher | Harris's Hawk

Harris's Hawk

A handsome hawk of the arid Southwest, Harris's Hawk is a standout with bold markings of dark brown, chestnut red, and white; long yellow legs; and yellow markings on its face. The most social of North American raptors, these birds cooperate at nests and hunt together as a team. When hunting, a group of hawks surround their prey, flush it for another to catch, or take turns chasing it. This hawk's social nature and relative ease with humans has made it popular among falconers and in education programs.
Mary Fletcher | Female Barn Owl

Female Barn Owl

These small owls are beautiful with their heart shaped faces. They are renowned for their hunting skills which involve a totally silent flight so their prey can't hear them coming.
Mary Fletcher | Marsh Tit (Poecile palustrus)

Marsh Tit (Poecile palustrus)

A marsh tit (Poecile palustrus) eating some peanuts which were placed on a wooden post. These birdds, despite their name are commonly found in woodland in the UK
Mary Fletcher | Barn Owl

Barn Owl

Barn Owls are birds of prey, hunting and catching small mammals, mostly Field Voles here in the UK. They have some extraordinary specially adapted characteristics to help them hunt for food at night, such as incredibly sensitive hearing and the ability to see movement with very little light.
Mary Fletcher | Booted Bantum

Booted Bantum

This is a Gold/Lemon Millifleur Booted Bantam, originally from Holland (Sabelpoots) the Booted bantam is small, similar to a Pekin and very docile.
Mary Fletcher | Buff Laced Frizzle Polish Chicken

Buff Laced Frizzle Polish Chicken

Buff Laced Polish are a beautiful variety of Polish Chickens. Birds are buff colored with white lacing around the edges of their feathers... About Sizzles Sizzles are very unusual and are on their way to being recognized as a new breed of bantam.
Mary Fletcher | Grey Heron

Grey Heron

The heron is an easily recognised, grey-backed bird, with long legs, a long, white neck, bright yellow bill and a black eyestripe that continues as long, drooping feathers down the neck. Flies with its long legs stretched out, but its neck pulled in.