
America Landscapes & Cityscapes

Michael Richardson | Long Island at Dawn

Long Island at Dawn

Getting up at 4am can sometimes be very rewarding, especially when your staying in Queens - New York. I'd heard if you go down to Long Island you can get an incredible sunrise of the high rises in New York City, the sun comes up and you get the reflection of the burning red sun on all the buildings. What people didn't tell me is if you turn around you get this incredible sun rise coming up over one of the most underrated, iconic places in the whole of New York. The colours were dramatic in this picture but turning it to black and white gives it an age that is befitting of the area.
Michael Richardson | Wakulla Springs - Swamp Tree

Wakulla Springs - Swamp Tree

This photo was taken in northern Florida in a fairly unknown state park called Wakulla springs, a place where classic films like 1940's 'Tarzan's Secret Treasure' and 'The Creature from the Black Lagoon' were shot. It is a very surreal place especially just after a huge down pour. We were there on a very hot summers day and whilst bathing in the river which is very cold because it comes from deep underground, and then in true Floridian style, a storm roles in and rains hot rain onto the cold water. What I didn't know is when hot rain hits cold water it creates an eerie mist that hovers about 10 foot above the water. So when we went on a little boat ride around the springs it created these incredible scenes.
Michael Richardson | Pepsi Cola Sign - Long Island

Pepsi Cola Sign - Long Island

This was taken at dawn whilst photographing the reflection of the sunrise on the high rises of Manhattan. I loved this sign it reminded me of an old movie, or a simpler time, when companies advertised an iconic product, a time when Pepsi were a giant of industry. When switched to black and white you may loose the Pepsi colours, but it doesn't detract as you would recognise the style of writing anyway. Then with the backdrop of the modern apartment blocks it creates a natural contrast of old and new in harmony.